Fragrance Free at the Center
I consider myself someone who loves scent, but can’t stand fragrance. When I craft all of my herbal skincare products, I put fragrance free at the center of my process.
Each of my offerings is meticulously formulated with plant healing allies that are helpful to soothe, restore and nourish skin as well as with keeping in mind the resulting natural aroma of the product when it's in use. People have even told me they are shocked that some of my products don't have essential oils in them because of their lovely smell (thanks whole plant infusions!)

Meh, Blegh or BOR-ING!
In the past I’ve bought fragrance free and unscented skincare products, and they would usually smell weird or like chemicals. Often times a fragrance free option is simply created as an afterthought, where fragrances are either just left off the recipe (resulting in a not very pleasant smelling product) or the formulation is just bare bones to be a catch-all option for "sensitive skin."

Sensitive Skin Isn't a Catch-All
I know sensitive skin is not just a catch-all. I believe for as many personalities that exist in the world, sensitivities and how they manifest in our skin are just as varied and complex.
Many folks, like myself, still want the benefits of gentle and effective herbal plants in our skincare regiment while others may have allergies that prevent them from being able to use them (i.e., Aster Family, Latex, etc.)
I'm working to provide a range of products that can serve a spectrum of sensitivities, with the uniting characteristic of having a pleasant, naturally occurring and subtle scent as part of the experience.